Monday, January 14, 2008

Welcome to Leaving Nityananda Institute

Unfortunately, we lost our original domain name. However we are now located at! Or you can find us at

Please visit us to find valuable information regarding the Nityananda Institute and Swami Chetanananda.


  1. Very interesting what you write. I have found that all a person needs from a Guru is his teachings. So that is all I look for with my teacher and I follow them to the letter. Other that I couldn't care less about him. I am not looking for friendship with the teacher nor do I care about his drug use, sexual exploits or money situation. I am not going to lower him to my human standards.

  2. My only thought is why not sign your name to the letter. It's not like Swami C doesn't know who you are. It smacks of character assassination, not that it isn't true, but one accused has the right to face his accusers, and I for one would love to know who you all are. I have experience with him, also, not that I would ever sign your letter. In fact, I would not despite the nefarious claims which in part I know to be true. Come out from behind your barricade and show yourself. I'll respect you all the more.
